Sunday Independent article on Bandler key NLP creator

This man can play with your mind, the minds of your friends and of your children. Common Purpose is using these behavioural techniques to push a political and social agenda backed by the highest levels of government. This training and its effects is unpredictable and it therefore carries risks of mental illness. Are you happy that these techniques are being applied to people in common purpose, leadership, empowerment and life coaching courses? Are your children safe?

London Borough of Sutton Spends £11,907 for 2 day Common Purpose Behavioural Modification sessions.

The London Borough of Sutton has spent £11,907.67 on Common Purpose mind bending training for three of its staff. The attached invoice and receipts show that three people stayed overnight at the Holiday Inn London Sutton @£119 per night. This was in addition to a massive £10,000 training bill by the Common Purpose company Civilla Ltd (Developing Common Purpose world wide).

CP Richard Bandler creator of NLP

Hi, Brian

I've only become aware of CP since coming across your work on Youtube. Most interesting indeed. Doubtless you already know this but the guy who invented NLP was a gent called Richard Bandler. I'd never heard of him before but I decided to check him out on the net. I found a site on the net which was either set up by Bandler or devoted to him. I've pasted a link below to the login page. I nearly fell off my chair when I saw the logo that's being used: http://www.richardbandler.tv/members/login.php

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