So rattled is Common Purpose by the steady leak of information revealing its political agenda and huge fees taken from the taxpayer, that they have now apparently enlisted the BBC to manage their tawdry image. Brian Gerrish was recently invited to speak concerning CP on BBC Radio Mersyside on Friday 27 March 2009 after the Presenter Roger Phillips linked his name with the BNP. Mr Phillips claimed that he was only able to find material by Brian Gerrish on the BNP's website. This is despite the fact that a single entry of the name Brian Gerrish in Google produces hundreds of linked articles and talks. Brian complained at the BBC bias and was quickly invited onto the Friday lunchtime show apparently to star the local Liverpool Common Purpose Director Ken Pye.
On the day, and not surprisingly, Mr Pye was 'unable' to appear. This left Roger Phillips to attempt to discredit Brian Gerrish. Normal tactics were used including suggestions of 'conspiracy theory', BNP and claims that Common Purpose was 'suffering' under Freedom of Information requests from the public. But why was Mr Phillips so keen to defend and support Common Purpose?
Aside from the fact that hundreds of BBC senior staff have been Common Purpose trained at £3950 plus VAT each (see BBC and media Archive of this site), Mr Phillips is a regular participant in Liverpool Common Purpose networking events, alongside none other than Mr Ken Pye. Using license payers money on air Mr Phillips was happy to make claims trying to highlight the honesty and probity of Common Purpose although he had no documents or evidence to support his claims. Phillips apparently made further supportive claims for Common purpose after Brian Gerrish had left the show. Is this what the BBC is for...Common Purpose advertising? Mr Phillips had also failed to look at any of the documentary evidence on this site. So the interview was again biased. Welcome to Common Purpose control of the media. The interview will be posted on this site shortly. See the BBC Media Archive section on for a copy of a Phillips / Pye Common Purpose event.