Common Purpose has again tried to intimidate and bully our web host into taking down the site. Again Common Purpose is alleging breach of copyright for material that is already in the public domain, has been paid for by the public purse and is of major public interest. Meanwhile Common Purpose itself has already committed breaches of Data Protection Laws, is involved in further breaches, and is collecting information on members of the public who are exposing the massive public expenditure on Common Purpose. Common Purpose is also refusing to release data unlawfully held on individuals - a further breach of the law.
Councillors in Stoke demand to know why money is wasted on Common Purpose.
Common Purpose reluctant to inform parents of paedophile 'graduates' and their action, if any, to protect children.
Common Purpose appears to have become very aggressive since our exposure of the Jamie Rennie and Matthew Byrne paedophiles within the CP network. We stand by our statement that the secretive Common Purpose networks, the use of behavioural training (NLP) and the proximity to school children must be highly attractive to paedophiles. Furthermore the omission of CP to obtain CRB checks for staff and graduates working with children is of grave concern to the wider public. This failure has recently been challenged by concerned local authorities.
Hollie Greig and Aberdeen Paedophile Rapes
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