London Borough of Haringey Social Services, as implicated in the disgusting murder of Baby P, facilitated by a catalogue of SS incompetence, lies, cover-ups, as well as the vicious bullying of an innocent whistleblower, has been penetrated by Common Purpose. More than one staff member has been Common Purpose trained. Assistant Director of Community Health and Social Services Carole Wilson attended the 1995 1996 MATRIX Common Purpose Course. Miss Wilson is not known to be involved in the Baby P case, but are there other Haringey Common Purpose trained staff within Social Services who are? Certainly the Common Purpose Chatham House rule of secrecy would facilitate the extensive lies and cover-ups. The Common Purpose techniques for dealing with those that challenge the elite organisational leaders would also help to explain the vicious psychological bullying of brave whistleblower Nevres Kemal. Nothing must stand in the way of the Common Purpose CHANGE agenda, which ultimately seeks to train young children to be the New Leaders. Common Purpose is also occupying office space in prisons to train criminals to be leaders of the NEW society. Is Haringey's Head of Child Services Sharon Shoesmith Common Purpose? Please let us know.
But is Haringey Borough Council lying over its involvement with Common Purpose?
In response to a Freedom of Information request, Haringey states that they have not paid money to Common Purpose over the period 1997 to date (2008). Strangely Bob Colenutt Head of Policy and Regeneration in Haringey Borough Council completed the Common Purpose MATRIX Course in 2000 2001. It seems unlikely that Mr Colenutt would have paid himself for a course costing over £3,500. Sarah Hargreaves Sure Start Manager Education Services Haringey also attended a MATRIX course in 2002. Is the Council lying over Common Purpose involvement and expenditure?
Freedom of Information reply:
Dear Ms Greyson,
In respect of your recent request I can confirm that London Borough of
Haringey has never procured service from the charity known as Common
Purpose in any of the years quoted 1997 - date.
I trust this information fully answers your request.
If you are unhappy with the information we have provided, or the way we
handled your request please contact:
Haringey Council
Feedback and Information Team
River Park House
225 High Road
N22 8HQ
Telephone: 020 8489 2550
Fax: 020 8489 2922
Email: [email address]
Yours sincerely
Ian Andrews
Head of Finance - SAP Financial Systems Team
Tel. 020 8489 2427 or mobile 07973 244189
Email. [email address]
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