Common Purpose accounts 2008-9 apparently show a loss of circa £130,000 and 2009-10 a £27,000 loss. To cover their losses Common Purpose would appear to be using profits from the Limited Company Civilia. Civilia was originally a licensing company for Common Purpose but it would now appear that Civilia is effectively providing customised courses for Common Purpose to the value of £300-400,000 last year.
Despite being run by elitest leaders, Julia Middleton on circa £95,000 p.a. and two others on circa £85,000 p.a. Common Purpose is losing money and shedding staff.....last year CP employed 145 year but this year apparently 125.
So despite sucking in circa £100m of public money over 15 years, and being staffed by high class elitest CP graduates, and having the support of major international banks such as Deutsche Bank and the now defunct and bankrupt Lehman Brothers, Common Purpose cannot manage its own business affairs. Meanwhile Julia Middleton and her team can advise virtually every other sector of society how to manage theirs. There's a bad smell somewhere.