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Namesort descending Course Date Course Location Course Name Job Title Location Organisation
Wigley, Max Your Turn Bristol - 2000 Bristol Your Turn Programme bristol Bristol Grammar School, Bristol
Wigmore, Hazel Kirklees - 1997/98 Kirklees Matrix Non-Executive Director kirklees Huddersfield Central Primary Care Trust, Huddersfield - Princess Royal Health Centre
Wigston, Louis Your Turn Tyne Autumn 2003 Tyne Your Turn Your Turn Programme Pupil tyne Heaton Manor School, Newcastle upon Tyne
Wike, Paul Sheffield - 1999 Sheffield Matrix Business Manager sheffield Dovercourt Surgery, Sheffield
Wilbram, Andrew Derby - 2004 Derby Matrix Regional Commercial Manager derby Norwest Holst Construction Limited, Derby
Wilby, Sue North London - 1998/99 North London Matrix Assistant Director, Leisure london London Borough of Camden, London - Eversholt Street
Wilby, Wendy Calderdale - 2002 Calderdale Focus Vicar of Halifax calderdale Diocese of Wakefield, Wakefield
Wilce, Peter Cardiff - 1998 Cardiff Matrix cardiff
Wilcock, Alice East London - 2001/02 East London Matrix london
Wilcock, Dennis City of Sunderland - 1996/97 City of Sunderland Matrix wear
Wilcox, David North London 2000/01 North London Matrix Director london Partnerships Online, London
Wilcox, Denise Milton Keynes 2001/2 Milton Keynes Matrix Finance Manager milton-keynes Milton Keynes Women's Aid, Milton Keynes
Wilcox, Geraldine Teesside - 1998 Teesside Matrix Deputy Chief Executive tees Tees Valley Housing Association, Middlesbrough
Wild, Geoffrey Nottingham - 1992/93 Nottingham Matrix nottingham Severn Trent Water Ltd, Leicester
Wild, James Coventry - 1992/93 Coventry & Warwickshire Matrix Consultant warks
Wild, Jill Rotherham/Dearne Valley - 2002 Barnsley/Rotherham Focus barnsley
Wild, Karen North London 2000/01 North London Matrix london
Wild, Linda Milton Keynes - 1993/94 Milton Keynes Matrix milton-keynes
Wild, Michael Newcastle - 1995/96 Newcastle Matrix Political Producer tyne BBC, Newcastle upon Tyne
Wild, Michael Newcastle - 1995/96, Newcastle, Matrix Political Producer BBC, Newcastle upon Tyne
Wild, Roger Bradford - 1996/97 Bradford Matrix General Manager - Customer Services bradford Federal Mogul Bradford Ltd, (Pistons)
Wild, Stephen West London - 1996/97 West London Matrix london
Wilde, Helen Bristol - 2001 Bristol Matrix bristol
Wilde, Jaci Foyle 2003 Foyle Focus Development Northern Ireland foyle Share Music, Northern ireland
Wilde, Jane Coventry - 1993/94 Coventry & Warwickshire Matrix Retirement Housing Manager warks Touchstone Housing Association, Coventry
Wilde, Kirsty Hull - 2003/04 Hull Matrix hull
Wilde, Monica Edinburgh - 2003 Edinburgh Matrix Chairman edinburgh Gleneagles of Edinburgh, Edinburgh
Wilde, Peter Bristol Matrix 2005 Bristol Matrix Consultant Cardiac Radiologist bristol United Bristol Health Care Trust, Bristol
Wilden, Kathy Norfolk 2001 Norfolk Matrix norfolk
Wilders, Tom Hull - 2000/01 Hull Matrix hull
Wildig, Judith Bradford - 1996/97 Bradford Matrix Finance Manager/ Company Secretary leicester Braunstone Community Association, Leicester - Forest Business Park
Wildman, Caroline West London - 1999/00 West London Matrix Deputy Head of Legal london BUPA, London - Head Office
Wildy, Tom Plymouth - 1999 Plymouth Matrix Councillor plymouth Plymouth City Council, Plymouth - Civic Centre
Wileman, Peter Brighton & Hove Profile 2003 Anti-Social Behaviour Caseworker brighton Community Safety Team, Brighton
Wiles, Chris Bradford - 1997/98 Bradford Matrix Associate Director: Editorial bradford Emerald, Bradford
Wiles, Marc Reading - 1997/98 Berkshire Matrix Producer berks Blah Blah, Reading
Wilkes, Alice Your Turn Tyne Spring 2004 Tyne Your Turn Your Turn Programme Pupil tyne Dame Allan's School, Newcastle Upon Tyne
Wilkes, David South London - 1998/99 South London Matrix Ridings Area Flood Defence Manager london Environment Agency, Leeds - Phoenix House
Wilkes, Geraldine Nottingham - 1997 Nottingham Matrix nottingham
Wilkes, Margaret Newcastle - 2000/01 Newcastle Matrix Accenture Unit Lead tyne Accenture, Newcastle upon Tyne
Wilkie, Nick England Navigator June 2001 london National Council for Voluntary Organisations, London
Wilkins, Keith 20:20 - 2005 Detective Chief Superintendent aberdeen Grampian Police, Headquarters
Wilkins, Kirsty Your Turn Coventry - 1998 Coventry Your Turn Programme Pupil warks Westwood School, Coventry
Wilkinson, Adam Navigator England November 2002 Deputy Director - Service Manager Lighthouse West London london Terrence Higgins Trust, London
Wilkinson, Angela South East Navigator 2004 Project Co-ordinator crawley Biz Vizion, Brighton
Wilkinson, Ann Plymouth - 1998 Plymouth Matrix Development Worker plymouth Plymouth Federation of Tenants and Residents' Associations, Plymouth
Wilkinson, Anna Newcastle - 2000/01 Newcastle Matrix Director tyne Northern Print Studio, North Shields
Wilkinson, Brian Bradford - 2000/01 Bradford Matrix Operations Director bradford Bradford & Bingley Group, Bingley
Wilkinson, Chris Greater Manchester - 2000 Greater Manchester Matrix Development Manager manchester Northwest Development Agency, Manchester
Wilkinson, Christine South Humber 2003-2004 South Humber Matrix HR Adviser - Organisational Development humber North Lincolnshire Council, Brigg - Hewson House
