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Namesort descending Course Date Course Location Course Name Job Title Location Organisation
Segal, Nick North London - 1991/92 North London Matrix Consultant london
Seghaier, Loubna Your Turn West London - 2000/2001 London West Your Turn Programme Student london Cambridge School, London
Seguro, Joana London Autumn Navigator 2005 Managing Director london Lumin Limited, London
Sehmbi, Sushma Derby - 1996 Derby Matrix Headteacher derby Hardwick Primary School, Derby
Sejejs, Dace South London - 1996/97 South London Matrix Head of Employee Relations london London Borough of Lewisham, Town Hall
Selby, John Hull - 1999/00 Hull Matrix Customer Services Manager hull Jobcentre Plus, Hull - Ferensway
Self, Christopher Brighton & Hove - 1997 Brighton & Hove Matrix Partner brighton Gyoury Self Partnership, Hove
Self, John South London - 1995/96 South London Matrix london
Self, Lucy Your Turn Portsmouth 2000 Portsmouth Your Turn Programme Student Your Turn Programme 2000 portsmouth Mayville High School, Southsea
Sellens, Katy Your Turn Leeds Programme June 2005 Leeds Your Turn Programme Pupil leeds Abbey Grange C of E High School, Leeds
Sellers, Debbie Milton Keynes 2001/2 Milton Keynes Matrix Content Manager milton-keynes MK Web Ltd, Milton Keynes
Sellers, Tony Milton Keynes - 2000 Milton Keynes Matrix milton-keynes MK Web Ltd, Milton Keynes
Selman, Jane Bristol - 1996 Bristol Matrix Fundraiser/Commuity Liaison bristol Spike Island & ACTA, Bristol
Selormey, George Milton Keynes 2001/2 Milton Keynes Matrix Chair milton-keynes Association of Ghanaians in Milton Keynes, Milton Keynes
Selway, John Swindon - 1992/93 Swindon Matrix Principal Consultant swindon John Selway Associates, Swindon
Semple, Robert Bristol - 1998 Bristol Matrix Director of Helicopters bristol Rolls-Royce plc, Bristol
Sen, Sanjay West London - 1995/96 West London Matrix london
Sendama, Wezi Your Turn South London - 2001/02 South London Your Turn Programme Student london Crofton School, London
Seneviratne, Nalin Plymouth - 2002 Plymouth Matrix Head of Asset Management plymouth Plymouth City Council, Plymouth - Civic Centre
Sengelow, Jean Kirklees - 1999 Kirklees Matrix Senior Manager kirklees KPMG, Huddersfield
Senior, Andrew Portsmouth and South East Hampshire Focus 2005 Portsmouth and South East Hampshire Focus Architect portsmouth HGP Ltd, Fareham
Senior, Chantelle Your Turn South London - 1998/99 South London Your Turn Programme Student london Warwick Park School, London
Senior, Christopher Sheffield - 2000 Sheffield Matrix Funding & Marketing Manager sheffield Framework Housing Association, Nottingham - Maville House
Senior, Liz Reading - 1999 Berkshire Matrix berks F I Recruitment, Reading
Senior, Lyn Leicester - 1998/99 Leicestershire Matrix Policy Officer leicester Leicester City Council, New Walk Centre
Senior, Paul South Yorkshire Profile 2004 Contracts Director sheffield Frank Haslam Milan, Doncaster
Senter, John North London - 1994/95 North London Matrix Architect london
Serajian, Sara Your Turn Newcastle - 2000 Newcastle Your Turn Programme Pupil tyne Heaton Manor School, Newcastle upon Tyne
Sergeant, Jenny Wakefield - 2001 Wakefield Focus Regional Organiser - West Yorkshire wakefield Federation of Small Businesses, West Riding Yorkshire
Serrant, Mcmillan Bradford - 2002/03 Bradford Matrix Director bradford Millennium Renaissance Consultants -, Bradford
Service, Benjamin West Midlands Navigator 2005 Department Manager birmingham John Lewis Partnership, Solihull
Serwotka, Ruth London - Spring 2003 London Spring Matrix Senior Manager - Equality and Diversity london Learning + Skills Council, Croydon
Sesay, Berni London Navigator Autumn 2004 Network Outreach Officer london African Foundation for Development (AFFORD), London
Sessions, Lance Nottingham - 1997 Nottingham Matrix Area Manager nottingham Mutual Clothing & Supply Company Limited, Nottingham
Setchell, Paul Norfolk 2001 Norfolk Matrix Manufacturing Manager derby Unilever Bestfoods UK, Burton Plant
Setchell-Chin, Donna Leicester - 1991/92 Leicestershire Matrix leicester Leicester African Caribbean Business Association, Leicester
Seth, Dawn Coventry 2001/02 Coventry & Warwickshire Matrix Volunteer, Development Worker warks Local Action for Families & Children, Coventry
Sethi, Nina Berkshire 2002 Berkshire Matrix Project Alafia Co-ordinator berks Reading Council for Racial Equality, Reading
Setterfield, Chris East Kent - 2001/02 East Kent Focus Customer Service Team Manager - Canterbury kent-east BT plc, Canterbury - Rheims Way
Settle, Kathy Mersey - 2002 Merseyside Matrix Network Strategy Manager merseyside Government Office for the North West, Manchester
Seville, Keith Berkshire 2002 Berkshire Matrix Publisher berks Urban News Media, London
Seville, Leslie Cardiff - 1995/96 Cardiff Matrix Community Education Manager cardiff Grassroots, CARDIFF
Seward, James East Kent - 2000/01 East Kent Focus Deputy Director - Service Improvement kent-east National Institute for Mental Health in England, Colchester
Sewell, Dave Hull - 1998/99 Hull Matrix Dean of Faculty of Science & The Environment hull University of Hull, Hull
Sewell, Dennis Hull - 1999/00 Hull Matrix Chairman hull The Sewell Group, Hull
Sewell, Derran Kirklees - Mid Yorkshire Profile 2003 Human Resources Development Manager kirklees Calderdale & Kirklees Careers, Huddersfield
Sewell, Derran Kirklees Matrix 2004 Kirklees Matrix Human Resources Development Manager kirklees Calderdale & Kirklees Careers, Huddersfield
Sewell, Gillian Derby - 2001 Derby Matrix Chief Executive derby YMCA Derbyshire, Derby
Sewell, Jonathan Oxford - 1999/00 Oxfordshire Matrix Priest in charge of St Mary's oxfordshire Diocese of Oxford, Oxford
Sewell, Karl Mid/West Kent - 2002 Mid West Kent Focus Focus Head of Policy and Performance kent-west Sevenoaks District Council, Sevenoaks - Argyle Road
