Damning paper showing connections between Dublin Civic Connection, Common Purpose and the European Commission. Dated 28 December 2001 the letter from Dublin Civic Connection to the European Commission expresses their wish to "take up the invitation in the Green Paper to stakeholders to express their views on how to build a partnership for the development of a new framework for the promotion of corporate social responsibility in Europe.
Dublin Civic Connection is a group of individuals from the three sectors - public, private and NGO - who have a common purpose in addressing issues of concern to Dublin. The members of the group are all graduates of the 2001 Dublin Common Purpose1 programme, who have been facilitated by The Wheel2 in developing this response to the Green Paper."
This letter is a prime example of the means by which Common Purpose acts as the hidden driver for the implementation of European Union initiatives and directives. It does so out of sight of the public who have paid for the majority of the CP courses. Surely this political charity should be exposed and struck off?