CP Press and Media Reports

Daily Mail Editorial on CP dated 16 November 2012

Please do read the Daily Mail exposure of Common Purpose - starting here with the Editorial. The Mail has completed an in depth analysis with the exception that Common Purpose is neither left or right in politics. It is forging its own political agenda of communitarianism via the transformation of society via the Third Sector (also known as the Third Way) and Tory Prime Minister David Cameron's Big Society. Please also remember that Common Purpose is using applied behavioural psychology to 'reframe' graduates into their new belief system as 'selected world leaders'.

CP This England Magazine Summer 2010 exposes Common Purpose

This England Magazine summer 2010 has written a short article exposing the "dangerous and anti-democratic organisation" Common Purpose. This is yet another article expressing concern over the activities of CP and encouraging other people to learn about its twisted activities by visiting cpexposed.com

Clearly the factual documentary evidence posted on this site and elsewhere in the media, press and internet is being taken seriously by informed individuals.

CP Surrey Police Stops Common Purpose Training

Interesting media article from www.getsurrey.co.uk revealing Surrey Police expenditure on Common Purpose during a period in which they are having to cut back on their services including office facilities. Significantly Chief Constable Mark Rowley is a member of the local Common Purpose Advisory Group, which forms the local 'eyes and ears' for Common Purpose and selects future CP graduates. All this is done behind closed doors under Chatham House rules as the article points out.

CP Exposed in Surrey Advertiser

Interesting article which appeared in the Surrey Advertiser showing more Common Purpose insider dealing. Slowly but surely the media are beginning to understand the common purpose con and its use of graduates to influence the agenda of an organisation and open doors for more graduates and more funding for CP courses. Enjoy reading this article.

Devonport Column May 2006 reporting Common Purpose corruption in Plymouth

Devonport community newsheet reporting common purpose driven corruption in Plymouth. The Devonport Clumn was started by members of the general public who were unable to get local newspapers to print the real truth about fraud, corruption, intimidation and cover-ups in Plymouth. Investigation into this state of affairs was to expose the corrupt back stage agenda of Common Purpose. Now repeated across cities in UK...where you find corruption you find Common purpose.

Devonport Column April 2006 reporting Common Purpose corruption in Plymouth

April 2006 edition of the Devonport Column reporting on Common Purpose corruption in Plymouth. Common Purpose graduates took control of key regeneration projects in the city and particularly the New Deal for Communities programme in Devonport a deprived area with very high unemployment close to the Royal Navy Dockyard. In 10 years some £25 million had been spent on nebulous projects, money into people's pockets and a large proportion of the original residents were forced out, to be replaced with expensive elitest waterside housing.

Devonport Column Community Newsheet reports Common Purpose corruption

Page 2 from April 2006 edition of the Devonport Column reporting on Common Purpose corruption in Plymouth. Common Purpose graduates took control of key regeneration projects in the city and particularly the New Deal for Communities programme in Devonport a deprived area with very high unemployment close to the Royal Navy Dockyard. In 10 years some £25 million had been spent on nebulous projects, money into people's pockets and a large proportion of the original residents were forced out, to be replaced with expensive elitest waterside housing.


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